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Local plans

Community involvement in planning is one of the key ways local people can have their say in the way development is managed in their area.

In Wales, all local planning authorities, including the National Parks, are required to prepare Local Development Plans, which should be used as the basis for development in that authority’s area for the next 15 years.

Local planning authorities must have regard to the Wales Spatial Plan when preparing their LDPs.  The National Development Framework will replace the Wales Spatial Plan, when completed.

In addition, LPAs within the area covered by a Strategic Development Plan will also be required to take its policies account in the preparation and revision of LDPs.

    The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2024 Planning Portal.

    The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2024 Planning Portal.