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Local Authority Bulletins

Improvements to local authority selection when creating applications - Planning Portal now enables any local planning authority to receive a 'Regulation 3' application. Additionally, the portal maintains a list of designated local authorities to inform applicants when a designation is in effect. Find out more.
Update to lawful development certificate requirements - Effective 1 July 2024, applicants for lawful development certificates will no longer be required to upload supporting evidence, though it remains optional. Local authorities can re-enable this requirement in the Planning Portal admin settings. The mandatory question about why the development is lawful remains unchanged. This change follows user feedback and a review of local authority practices to streamline the application process.
Has your Local Authority received a portion of the Planning Skills Delivery Fund? - Streamline your planning application workload with TerraQuest's services. Clear backlogs with PAVS and receive precise application evaluations with PACES. Maximize your Planning Skills Delivery Fund allocation today; limited availability—reach out now.
Do we really believe housing is a human right? - Housing Festival are working on a new local government-led MMC housing Playbook, targeting the UK’s structural deficit in housing supply for those in need. They are asking Local Authorities to help with this work by answering a few questions. Please fill out the survey in this article, or pass to relevant colleagues.
Is your local authority back-office system working effectively? - We know that some local planning authorities (LPAs) experience difficulties with the receipt and processing of planning and building control applications into their back-office systems.
Find out about the services that TerraQuest have to offer - Have you heard of the Planning Portal’s parent company, TerraQuest?
Local Authority bulletin - January 2023 - Monthly Planning Portal updates and industry news for Local Authorities
We want to work with Local Planning Authorities and their IT suppliers to improve planning software - Following the announcement of DLUHC’s latest £5m round of funding to support digital planning, we are keen to speak to any Local Authority interested in working with us and making a bid before the 23rd December 2022 deadline. 
Local Authority Bulletin - December 2021 - Are you struggling with a backlog as planning application numbers remain high?, Helping Local Authorities to digitise planning, building and local land charges. And more...
Local Authority Bulletin - November 2021 - Features: Working in partnership with Local Planning Authorities, Planning Portal’s best kept secret – Don’t miss out!, Helping Local Authorities digitise planning, building control and local land charges

The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2024 Planning Portal.

The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2024 Planning Portal.